Windows of Opportunity ~ 7 Jun 2023

As we approach the midpoint of the Gregorian Calendar’s year 2023, perhaps a review of attitudes toward opportunities and favorable outcomes stimulated by ongoing transits serves the purposes of a healthy midyear reset. After all, throughout this year and well into 2024, aspects above hint at various openings of windows of opportunity and seem to yearn to be applied.

Currently NASA prepares for an October spacecraft launch to probe the asteroid Psyche. The Psyche mission sought to utilize a launch window last year, created by relative orbital relationships. However, the flight software was not yet complete in time to take advantage of that opening. Like any launch window, whether for a spacecraft or a start-up, other objective compatible windows always follow down the road a bit. Come this October the Psyche mission plans to utilize its next launch window and embark upon a mission to reach asteroid Psyche in August 2029 where it will orbit the potato-shaped asteroid for some 26 months.

In the category of life imitates art or vice versa, as in the movie DON’T LOOK UP, a space object, the asteroid Psyche, is believed to be off-the-charts invaluable because of its metallic composition. This asteroid could be worth more than all the combined riches of the world, including cyber! Possibly consisting of unmelted primordial material, this asteroid, likely subject to many layer-stripping collisions with other space objects might be a glance inside the core of a terrestrial planet such as Earth.

Symbolically, exploration of the psyche reveals an array of invaluable assets... and for the exploration to occur successfully, a proper launch window must prevail and be effectively utilized.

Some years ago, I had the good fortune of attending a lecture at the University of Arizona presented by Mike Brown, the astronomer behind the discovery of many dwarf planets, most notably Eris, resulting in the subsequent demotion of Pluto from planet status by astronomers. During his compelling presentation, Brown stated that given the technical capabilities of our observational devices the enigmatic Sedna could have only been discovered in a window a couple centuries wide. Given the 12,281 year orbit of this compelling body that is an astounding fact to ponder. How lucky were observing astronomers!?

The discovery of Sedna and her added gravitational intricacies prompts Brown to speculate on the existence of a planet the size of Mars out there deep in our solar system. Not a dwarf planet... a sizeable planet. This should not cause the reincarnation of Nibiru conspiracy theories, but should instead compel us all to respond to yet unknown forces in real time. Pluto impacted events on Earth for as long as conscious life existed on our terrestrial sphere even before his discovery. And Pluto had been observed several times before being realized for what he is. Ultimately, that which is not known, but of significant influence, affects all events and persons regardless of the conscious awareness of that influence.

It is all about conscious awareness, or that which we relevate (to raise, as denoted by the “archaic” verb) into view for purposes of consideration and application. Like the rising awareness of a window of opportunity, for instance.

Given the Sun now lingers in opposition to the influence of the Great Attractor and soon shall oppose the Galactic Center, energies abound that inspire relevation - invisible, unseen energies of significant import. These energies seek to spark the awareness of calls to action for all inspirations and ideas delivered within the cosmic downloads from galactic sources that beam through our planets like light rays fanning out to adorn a room in rainbow colors through their engagement through a quartz crystal.

Fraught with insight and if included within ones being - perhaps infused within the psyche - one can apply the current parade of Leo planets in progress with assuredness and soulful certainty. Thus, as the other promising planetary patterns ebb and flow over the next year or so, those aligned, sentient and enthusiastic may ride the waves of the celestial seas, fostering all aspects of their existence upon Earth.

Is this pie in the sky? Not for those enjoying a cosmic dessert. The news of the state of the planet offers an array of complicated circumstances, many such conditions appear to contradict one another. What is clear is that in this time of chaos and where the needs of humanity yearn for fulfillment, multiple and multidimensional windows of opportunity open and close.

As if imitating the expeditions of NASA, should one seek to orbit and consider all the attributes of the psyche, potentially untold resources and attributes shall be revealed and may be applied within the most effective window.

Happy almost Mid-Year!

More soon.

For those who want to include Psyche and Sedna and the perspective-shifting dwarf planet Gonggong, you’re orbiting the right place. These and other intriguing objects on the leading-edge of consciousness will be discussed in any consultation I conduct. To land a session, or a series of sessions, all that’s required is to fire the landing rockets by clicking the links below. You can land yourself a Galactic Report, or ask a question or two specific to your chart and more. Nothing like insight to promote the instinct for sensing and engaging an opportunistic window!

Is it popcorn time? Always. Should you be noticing there’s nothing new in streaming land that stimulates your spirit, you could always check out the short films I have on various platforms. Each and every film I make strives to represent the energy and essence of the guiding cosmic templates above!